Reflection on last project

Throughout the course of our last project I found it to be a challenging piece of work. This may have been because it was my first project as a university student but it was mostly because I wanted our final piece to be perfect. I enjoyed the process of filming considerably as this is where … Continue reading

Sight and Sound

When it comes to sound and image it is crucial to make the sound and image match to make it believable for the spectator. But there is a certain degree of leniency to what makes that sound, especially if the sound of something else seems more realistic than using the instrument shown. A well-used example … Continue reading

Reality’s demise

Virtual as a definition means it is completely at the end of the spectrum of reality but what about when the two collide and create ‘virtual reality’? A virtual reality has become a norm within today’s society with the introduction of games, programs and even chatrooms. In these virtual realities there is a sense of … Continue reading

Objects within a dream

Zizek states that everyone has a fantasy but it is not the scene of the fantasy that attracts our fascination and desire, it’s the invisible gaze watching us pursue it that excites us.  Therefor according to Zizek the only thing that makes our fantasies come to life is the potential exhibitionism. “All the world’s a … Continue reading

Technology and development

Considering the technological advances made during the 20th and 21st centuries it seemed only logical that we had a lecture on these developments. We began by watching a – slightly outdated – video about the rising popularity of the personal computer and games consoles up until the 90s. It explained how the products had advanced … Continue reading

Little Boy Blue

Throughout the duration of our first media lecture we explored the conventions and restrictions within consumerism. We especially focused on the gender divide between male and female products. This would appear normal if directed at adults but is that normality a result of our conditioning as children? We began by watching a short documentary on the well … Continue reading


The subject of one of our more recent media lectures was based around Tod Browning’s 1932 film ‘Freaks’. The previously banned and subsequently altered film depicts a group of circus freaks living alongside ‘normal’ people in, well, a circus. It shows just how cruel some people are and how far they would go to make … Continue reading